Last February, TED-Ed had gathered a team of educators and Youtube stars together with their own in house staff, to discuss the future of TED-Ed and some exciting new directions they can take. One of those new directions involves creating materials for teacher professional development. They envision a series by educators for educators. They had a few of us give prototype talks for the series. If you are familiar at all with what I do, it will come as no surprise that I made my case for why teachers should work with scientists. If you like it, share it. Thanks.
I'm really excited about these ideas right now, and we have big plans in the works for an innovative experiment that will get teachers and scientists working together to push the limits of what is possible for science in the classroom. Look for an announcement in the next few weeks about our new idea. Right now we are calling it:
I'm really excited about these ideas right now, and we have big plans in the works for an innovative experiment that will get teachers and scientists working together to push the limits of what is possible for science in the classroom. Look for an announcement in the next few weeks about our new idea. Right now we are calling it:
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